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Welcome Division 12

Each week our learning will be based on a new theme. Follow the six sections below and you will discover a fun way to learn in Mme Koughan's class! 

Home: Welcome

Our Last Week Together

June 22-25

Home: Image
Image by David Lezcano
Image by Green Chameleon
Image by Chris Liverani

 French reading



Home: Tests & Assignments
Home: Tests & Assignments

Bored and want more?

Home: Syllabus

Keep in touch

Dear Class,

At the end of each week, send me an email with a picture, a video, or a PDF of 1 or 2 of your favourite learning activities that you did this week. If you want to send more you can. I know that learning will look different for everyone. Do what you can. I know you will try hard and do your best.

Thinking of you all. I miss you terribly,

Mme. Koughan

Home: About
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