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Image by Green Chameleon


Create a Time Capsule in English or in French of your time during the last few months. Ask a family member to put it away for you.

Writing: Tests & Assignments

Writing Assignments

A new assignment will be added each week

Thank You

June 22 - June 25

Create a personal journal for yourself using one of your old notebooks.

1. Make a writing goal for yourself to write in your journal a little every day.

2. Write down what your goal is, and stick it to your fridge. How often will you write, and how long will you write for?

3. What can you write about? Here is a list of 26 things that you can write about over the summer. Remember the more you practice writing, the better you get.  Keep writing. Keep writing. Keep writing.

a.write down what you did that day?

b.write down what you wish you could do?

c. make a list of what you want to be when you grown up?

d. write about your hobbies

e. write about your friends

f. write about your favourite foods

g. write about a camping trip you want to go on

h. describe what it would be like to be a super hero

i. write down everything you've eaten this week

j. write down a favourite recipe and the instructions

k. write down the directions on how to get to your friends house. Be very specific

l. write a letter to a family member who lives far away

m. write a letter to yourself thanking yourself for all the hard work you've accomplished this year

n. write down your goals for next school year

o. write down what it was like to do school at home for the past 3 months

p. write down what you miss about going to school

q. write down a list of 10 kind things you have done this week

r. describe your favourite movie

s. tell about a time you were very happy and why?

t. tell about a time you were very sad and why?

u. imagine if you could fly, what would the world be like?

v. imagine you were as tiny as an ant, what would it be like?

w. imagine if you were invisible, what would that be like?

x. imagine if you had 100 pet dogs what would that be like?

y. imagine a day where all the kids got to bring their pets to school.

z. What is your best memory from this school year?



Writing: Tests & Assignments

Mixing It Up

June 15 - June 19


1. Click the link and hear the story, Sophie La Vache Musicienne by Geoffroy de Pennart. This is a story about a young cow who wants to join an orchestra. She sets off into the world to try and join many different orchestras. Each time she is met with groups who do not share the same characteristics as her. Read to the end to see what Sophie learns about accepting all animal musicians into her orchestra regardless of how they are different from her.


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: At the beginning of the story,  we learn that Sophie has a talent. She plays the piano. Do you have a talent? What is your talent? Why are you good at it? What challenges have you faced pursuing your talent?

helpful words:

je suis talentueux= I am talented (boy)

je suis talentueuse= I am talented (girl)

je joue=I play

je fais = I do

ce qui est difficile pour moi= what is hard for me is

parce que: because


Challenge 2: In this story, Sophie was faced with being different than the group she was trying to join. Do you think the orchestras were kind to Sophie? What could they have done differently when Sophie arrived at the rehersals?


Challenge 3: 

In the song at the top of the page, the children are singing about writing positive messages about the future on the wall. What kind of positive message would you write on the wall about your future?





Writing: Tests & Assignments


June 8-June 12

Click below to learn some tips about how to be a better writer. Remember it's ok to make mistakes when you are writing. Mistakes show you are learning. Making mistakes prove just how hard you are trying. Never be afraid to make mistakes when you are writing.


To hear some creative writing tips: ***CLICK HERE***

To hear some tips to edit your writing:***CLICK HERE***


1. Click the link and hear the story, Le Loup Qui Escaladait Les Montagnes by Orianne Lallemand and Éléonore Thuillier. This is a story about a little wolf as he travels the world looking for his friend's dad, the Yeti. The wolf sets off in search of the Yeti and ends up travelling to all the largest mountains on Earth. These mountains are real but the story is imaginary.


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: At the beginning of the story, the wolf agrees to go searching for Démoiselle Yéti's dad. The wolf agrees to help his friend who was very upset. Have you ever helped someone? How did you help them? What did you do to help them? How do you think your actions made the other person feel?

helpful words:

j'ai aidé= I helped

someone= quelqu'un

a friend (boy)=un ami

a friend (girl) = une amie

he liked= il a aimé

she liked=elle a aimé

he/she appreciated= Il/Elle a appécié



Challenge 2: In this story, there was a Yéti (an abominable snowman). At the end of the story, the wolf slid down the mountain on the Yeti's back. I thought this was fun and creative. Can you imagine a story with a Yeti and a wolf in Prince George? Where would the wolf go with the Yeti? What adventure would they go on together? Write me a story about Loup et Papa Yéti. Use your imagination and try to also include names of real locations in Prince George.


Challenge 3: Watch the link at the top of this section about editing. Can you go back to your story and edit 3 things (minimum)? Can you underline 3 words that you aren't sure about? Can you check the spelling? If you made a mistake, don't erase, cross it out and write the correct spelling above. I would like to see how you improved your writing. 


Did you start every sentence with a capital letter? If not underline the small letter with 3 lines and then write a capital letter over top of your small letter. Remember, don't erase.


Did you end every sentence with a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark? If you forgot, draw a circle and insert your period where it needs to go. Show me your correction.


Do you still need to find something? Think of your characters. Did you fully describe them? Could you add a detail? Put a star where you would like to insert a detail, and then write a star at the very bottom of the page. Write this new idea there.


Now, remember the most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. Without a mistake, you can't learn. Nobody is perfect, so keep making mistakes and learning from each of them.




Writing: Tests & Assignments


June 1-June5

click  below to hear a  fun song about onomatopoeia. In French we say L'onomatopée. Onomatopoeia is a word that expresses the way something sounds. Click ***HERE*** to learn about Onomatopoeia in French. Click ***HERE*** to learn about Onomatopoeia in English.



1.Click the link and hear the story, La Grenouille Ã  Grande Bouche by Élodie Nouhen and Francine Vidal.  This is a story about a little frog. The frog is tired of eating flies and decides to go see what else there is to eat out in the big world. There is a surprise ending... you'll never guess.


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: At the beginning of the story, the little frog has had enough of eating flies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He decided he would go see what else there is to eat. Do you have a favourite food that you would eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? What is it? Why do you like it? Think about your 5 senses when you give your reasons why? What does it smell like or taste like? What does it look like? What does it feel like when you hold it? What does your food sound like cooking? Try and be creative and imaginative when you answer.

helpful words:

I would never get fed up with eating...= Je n'en aurais jamais marre de manger


When I see it, it looks like: Quand je le vois, il rassemble Ã ...

When I hear it,it sounds like: Quand je l'entends, il rassemble Ã ...

When I eat it, it tastes like: Quand je le mange,il goute comme...

When I touch it, it feels like: Quand je le touche, il se sent comme...

When I smell it, it smells like: Quand je le sens, il sent comme...



Challenge 2: In this story, there was a surprise ending. What do you think happened to the frog? Explain what you think happened to the frog. Did you like this ending? Why? Can you think of a different ending to this story? What could it be? Write down your idea for a different ending.


Challenge 3: Watch the link at the top of this section about onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is expressing the sound an object makes in a word... like meow, or crash, or bang. In the video, there were lots of Onomatopoeia words. Can you find 3-5 of them?  What are some other onomatopoeia words some of the animals could have said in this book? I can't wait to read what you imagine.



Writing: Tests & Assignments


May 25-May29

Click here to hear a fun song about personification. Personification is a type of metaphor. 


1.Click the link and hear the story, La Tour Eiffel a Des Ailes by  Mymi Doinet and Aurélien Débat.  This is a story about the Eiffel Tower. After being an attraction to visitors from all over the world, one day the Eiffel tower decides she too wants to go see the world...and off she goes. 


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: The Eiffel tower has always been a tourist attraction. After many years, she too wants to go be a tourist and visit different areas of France.  After reading this story, what do you think if Mr. PG decided to go visit the areas around BC? Where would he go? What would he see? Write about an imaginative adventure that Mr. Pg went on, just like the Eiffel Tower.

helpful words:

he went: il est allé

he saw: il a vu

he wanted: il voulait

to visite: visiter

he was happy: il était content

he returned: il est rentré


Challenge 2: In this story  the Eiffel tower just wanted to go exploring and see something new. Do you like exploring? Why or why not? If you enjoy exploring where would you like to do? Why? If you don't like exploring why not?


Challenge 3: Watch the link at the top of this section about personification. Personification is giving human qualities to something that isn't human. Can you write 5 sentences about an object and give it human qualities? Like in the video, the flowers danced in the wind. Or in the book, the Eiffel tower swam in the sea. Be creative, what could you personify? Your dog? Your car? Your dinner plate? I can't wait to read what you  imagine.



Writing: Tests & Assignments

Writing Assignments

A new assignment will be added each week

Arts and Crafts

May 19-May 22

Click ***here*** to learn all about verbs

1.Click the link and hear the story, Joseph avait un Petit Manteau by  Simms Beck.  This is a story about Joseph. He starts out with a coat that is full of holes. As the story goes along, you won't believe what Joseph makes out of his old clothes. Rather than throw out the old item, he turns it into something new. Enjoy this story that is full of creating and building on a new idea, in a very imaginative way.


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: Joseph's coat is old and full of holes. He doesn't throw it away. Instead he makes something new.  After reading this story, what do you think is the moral of the story? (remember, a moral is the main lesson in the story.) If you aren't sure, just write what you think the lesson is for Joseph, but also for the kids reading the story.

helpful words:

he sews: il coud

he doesn't want: il ne veut pas

to throw away: jeter

to create: créer

the  moral: la morale


Challenge 2: In this story  Joseph was very good at creating something new. Have you ever repurposed something that was old into something that was new again? If you haven't, what do you think you could reuse to create something new (without having to buy it). Describe what you did or what you would like to do.


Challenge 3: Watch the link at the top of this section about verbs.

click ***HERE*** to remember how to correctly spell verbs that end in ER. These are verbs like : IMAGINER, CRÉER. How many ER verbs do you know? Make a list of 10 ER verbs. Can you write down the rule for correctly spelling the endings to ER verbs?


Challenge 4: Think about all the actions you do in one day. Can you write a list of 5-10 actions that you do each day.

Writing: Tests & Assignments

The Savanna

May 11-May 15


Click ***HERE*** to learn about patterns

1.Click the link and hear the story, Que la vie est belle! by  Réné Gouichoux and  Mylène Rigaudie.  This is a story about Kouma the giraffe and Toriki the hare.  Kouma thinks is he too big, whereas Toriki thinks he is too small. You will never guess what happens when they decide to go see their friend Marabout, the bird that can grant wishes. Enjoy this story that takes place in the savanna.


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: Kouma thinks is he too big, whereas Toriki thinks he is too small.  After reading this story, what do you think is the moral of the story? (remember, a moral is the main lesson in the story.) If you aren't sure, just write what you think the lesson is for the giraffe and the hare.

helpful words:

Giraffe: La girafe

the hare: le lièvre

the bird; l'oiseau

wishes; les souhaits

the  moral: la morale


Challenge 2: In this story both characters wished that they were different, but by the end, they really wished they were back to themselves. Why do you think these characters wanted to change at the beginning of the story? Did you ever wish to be different? What do you think would happen if your wish could be granted? Would this be a good change or a bad change? Describe what you think.


Challenge 3: After watching the link at the top of this section about patterns, did you see or hear any patterns in this story? Was there a pattern with sounds? Was there a pattern with the colours or the pictures? What about the actions? Be creative, where might you find a pattern?


Challenge 4: Look around your house, how many patterns do you see or hear in one day? in one week? Can you make a list of 5 patterns?


Writing: Tests & Assignments


May 4-May 8

click  ***HERE*** and ***HERE*** to hear some fun songs about adverbs in English


click  ***HERE*** to learn about adverbs in French


1.Click the link and hear the story, Toujours Rien by Christian Voltz. This story is about Monsieur Louis and a little bird while he waits for his plant to grow.  You will see that Mr. Louis is very excited to plant his seed at the start of the book. What happens to his mood while the story goes on and on? While you listen to the story, look at the detail in the pictures? Did you notice how the pictures are made? I think it is incredibly creative. What do you think?


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: Monsieur Louis is planting a seed. Are you planting a garden this year? What are you planting? 

Do you help in your yard doing yard work? What kinds of jobs do you do? How does it make you feel when you work in the yard?

helpful words: 

the garden= le jardin

the seeds= les graines

the flowers= les fleurs

to water= aroser

to dig a hole= creuser un trou

to rake leaves= ratisser les feuilles

i feel= je me sens


Challenge 2: At the start of the story, Monsieur Louis is excited to plant his seed, but as the story went along, he started to become very impatient. Do you feel a little like Monsieur Louis  while you are at home? Monsieur Louis is waiting and waiting for something good to happen. He needs patience while he waits. Do you have patience? What do you do when you feel yourself losing your patience?


Challenge 3: After watching the links at the top of this section about adverbs, rewatch the story and look for all the adverbs. Can you find 4?

Write 4 sentences using these 4 adverbs that you found in the story.

Or go to the link at the top called "list of French adverbs" and write 4 sentences with any adverbs from this list.


Writing: Tests & Assignments


April 27- May 1

Click ***HERE*** to learn about writing a METAPHOR 


Click ***HERE*** to learn about writing a SIMILIE


Click the link ***HERE*** below to watch a video where super heros tell you about Metaphors and Similies


1.Click the link and hear the story, Le Petit Chevalier qui n'aimait pas la pluie by Gilles Tibo. This story is about a little knight who is afraid of the rain because it might make him rust. One day a huge storm comes and it rains for days. Will the little night face his fears and save his kingdom? While you hear the story, you will notice that the knight feels afraid. How does he face his fears? 


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: At the end of the story, it said the little knight had conquered his fears. Have you ever been afraid to do something? What did you do to conquer your fears? Try and write this answer in French.

helpful expressions:

J'ai peur de= I am scared de

J'avais peur= I was scared de


Challenge 2: After watching the links at the top of this section about similies and metaphors. Can you write 3 similies and 3 metaphors about rain or bad weather?These do not need to be real French expressions. be creative and make your own.

helpful expressions:

Il pleut comme: Il is raining like

L'orage; the thunderstorm

la têmpete: the violent storm


Challenge 3: The little Prince loves cats and chocolate cake? What do you love? Why do you love these things? Think about the time you have at home right now? What things do you like about being at home?

helpful expression:

J'aime beaucoup: I really like

J'adore: I love

parce que: because


Writing: Tests & Assignments

Writing Assignments

A new assignment will be added each week


April 20-23

Click ***HERE*** to learn about retelling a story

1.Click the link and hear the story, Le Petit Pianiste by Brij Kothari. This story is about a boy named Azul. He dreams about becoming a famous pianist. While you hear the story, you will notice that Azul feels worried. How does he learn to face his fears? You may also notice that Azul is learning a new skill. Are you learning a new skill? Think about these things as you read and follow the story.


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


Challenge 1: At the end of the story, it said that Azul's heart started to play the butterfly's song. What does this mean to you? Try and write this answer in French.


Challenge 2: After watching the link at the top of this section about retelling a story, can you retell the story, "Le Petit Pianiste?"

Don't forget the 5 important points:

1. the characters- Les caratères

2. the setting-l'endroit

3. the beginning-le début

4. the middle-le milieu

5. the end- la fin

helping words:

Au début= in the beginning

Puis= next/then

Après= after

À la fin= at the end



Challenge 3: Are you learning a new skill? Do you ever find it hard? What do you do when you get nervous or scared before you have to do your new skill?



Writing: Tests & Assignments
Writing: Tests & Assignments


April 14-17

1.Click the link and hear the story, Mama Panya's Pancakes by Mary Chamberlain . This story takes place in Kenya. While you hear the story, you may notice that some characters feel excited while others feel worried. You may also notice that the pages are bright and colourful. 


Below are 3 French writing challenges. You can do one, or you can do them all. Don't forget to reread your work and check for capitals and periods.


First, click this link to watch a short video to help you learn about Opinion writing. OPINION WRITING. ***CLICK HERE***  


Challenge 1: In the story you heard the expression, " a little bit, and a little bit more." In French a person would say, "un petit peu, et un petit peu plus." Write a journal in French about a time where you might use this expression.


Challenge 2: In the story, Mama is feeling worried. Have you felt worried lately? Write in French about what makes you feel worried.


Challenge 3: At the end of the story, the whole community gets together with Adika's family to eat pancakes. Write in French how you are going to feel the first time you get to get together again with all your friends in our community. 




May 4-8


Learn More



May 11-15


May 25- 29


May 18-22


June 1-5

Writing: Tests & Assignments
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